The Frameboy Goals

The Frameboy Journey
2 min readNov 27, 2021


Team Goals: be a driver of change and innovation whether on the collections the founders are creating, the communities they are building and the teams they are forming.

Global citizen goals: give back to the ones struggling with mental health in order to promote treatment and inclusion

Business Goals: we aim to be a reference in innovative collections on the metaverse and to build a community that has an opportunity to grow on itself AFTER the mint focusing on three main pillars:

  • The financial aspect of the trade
  • The artistic value of the design assets
  • The practical engagement among holders

Show me the money!

The financial aspects of the trade.

After the mint, holders can engage to build gifs that actually promote their own Frameboy. To top it off, there’s the high-end holders who want to own the exact FULL 16 walking poses of Frameboy necessary to build a private animation. Collectors bring a healthy context to floor price and inject hype and energy to the market inside and outside the early adopters. Our holders have shared ownership of their NFTs wich means they own the art and metadata of their purchased Frameboy. That does not include the project name, communication channels, brand identity, creative assets and lore narrative. The Frameboy Journey project does not allow usage of the Frameboy NFTs for hate speech and neither political propaganda. Good vibes only, my friends.

No tricks, just treats.

The artistic value of the design assets.

The Frameboy Journey was designed to have visuals and storylines that really stand out. We carefully studied different ideas and investigated the metaverse to make sure our community would benefit from an outstanding and unique project.

The design was created by @manzinador, an experienced brazilian visual artist awarded in festivals such as Cannes Lions, Young Lions Brazil Program, Clio Awards, New York Festival, London International Awards, El Ojo de Iberoamerica, Brazilian Creative Club Festival, Wave Festival, Epica Awards, Ad Stars, Lurzer’s Archive.

The project’s lore was carefully curated and written by @vazquezzz , a creative professional that worked for Apple and Coca-Cola. Besides being a speaker and jury for several creative events, she already received nominations and awards in shows like Canne Lions See it Be it, Cannes Lions, NY Festival, Clio Awards and One Show.

It’s a marathon, not a sprint!

The practical engagement among holders

There’s NO quick finish line for The Frameboy Journey! We will provide an area inside the site dedicated to GIF creation. The animated GIFs can be saved and shared in Discord and Twitter for holders to showcase their NFTs and engage with potential collectors and fellow community members. If the community agrees on it, we want to host the World’s first NFT Movie Awards to showcase our lucky holders and their creations.



The Frameboy Journey

Official Whitepaper from a boy trying to find his steps through the Solana blokchain. Mint yours at